Guns, Debt and Corruption: Military spending and the EU crisis

April 2013 – Report published by TNI and Campagne tegen Wapenhandel. — High levels of European military spending played a key role in the unfolding EU debt crisis. The report, Guns, Debt and Corruption: Military spending and the EU crisis, also demonstrates how military budgets across Europe have been largely protected, at a time of severe social cuts. With online infographics.

EU’s military expenditure totalled €194 billion in 2010, equivalent to the combined annual deficits of Greece, Italy and Spain. The latest data released today by the Stockholm International Peace Institute suggests little change in these overall trends.

Click here to see infographics illustrating the role of military spending in the European economic crisis.

Guns, Debt and Corruption: Military spending and the EU crisis – written by Frank Slijper.

Download the report here

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