8 June, Athens (Greece): AlterSummit

On June 7th and 8th, movements and organisations from all over Europe will attend the Alter Summit in Athens. This event will be organised, with the Greek social movement, by civil society organizations, trade unions, NGOs, with the support of personalities from all over Europe.

The Alter Summit in Athens will be a step forward in the building of more convergence between movements opposed to the current anti-social and anti-ecological policies promoted by European governments and institutions.

It will be a highly symbolic gathering, since Greece has been the laboratory of the destructive austerity and so-called competitiveness policies, but is also becoming the laboratory of the resistance against austerity and struggles for alternatives.
It will be the occasion to say loud and clear that the struggle of the Greek social movements is our struggle, and show the solidarity of European organizations and movements.

Participation in workshop on Peace and foreign policy;

full programme: http://www.altersummit.eu/athenes/article/program?lang=en

Steun Stop Wapenhandel
