
Atradius Dutch State Business BV – uitvoerder van de Nederlandse exportkredietverzekeringsfaciliteit
Informatiepagina exportkredietverzekeringen van de Economische Voorlichtings Dienst (EVD)

Andere organisaties
Evert Vermeer Stichting: Fair Politics – over militaire exportkredieten
Both Ends: report ‘Export credit debt
Jubilee Nederland: pagina over exportkredietschulden
ECA Watch – International NGO Campaign on Export Credit Agencies
The Corner House: pagina ‘Export Credit Agencies‘ 
Odious Debts: pagina ‘Export Credit Agencies

Internationale richtlijnen voor exportkredietverzekeringen
– EU-pagina ‘Export credits
Richtlijn Europese Raad over exportkredietverzekeringen (1998)
– Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – Export Credits Division
– OECD – DAC Statistical Reporting Directives
– OECD – The Knaepen Package: Guiding principles for setting premia fees under the arrangement on guidelines for officially supported export credits (1999)

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