Various: Weapons used on Freedom Flotilla, Drones, Special record unit IDF

In the May 31 2010 attack on the relief boats for Gaza Israeli special forces (Unit 13 – Shayetet 13) used European and American military material.

Freedom Flotilla

Based on photo and video material the navy corvettes, helicopters, Zodiacks and attack crafts have been traced back to their US, EU or Israeli company. See for an overview of research results here. See also the weblog of Martin Broek and the weblog of Ali Abunimah
American and European governments used to say there is no objection to the export of navy material to Israel, because it cannot be used in human rights violations. They are proven wrong.

Urban warfare and arms production

For an excellent analysis of Israeli arms export profiting from the ‘battle-tested’ status due to the urban warfare in Palestine see Unmanned aerial vehicles and the warfare of inequality management by Jimmy Johnson on Electronic Intifadah.

Managing Public Relations

Fearing claims of Human Rights organisations, Israel has established special army units to record the operation to justify their actions against schools, hospitals and holy sites.

Steun Stop Wapenhandel
