Let’s talk about war

Debate 28 Feb Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam
Security is the religion of our times. Frame any problem as a security problem and military means quickly pop up as the answer. Migration, climate change and poverty are often framed as threats instead of complex social, economic and political questions. The arms industry is pushing this approach.

It is lobbying for military and security technology in European capitals and at the EU. However, people from grassroots organisations are pushing back, using creative actions and positive narratives and working on sustainable solutions.

A night of discussion with researchers, campaigners and the audience, together with the grassroots European Network Against Arms Trade.

With amongst others

Laëtitia SédouEU Programme Officer of the European Network Against Arms Trade, focusing on EU funding for military R&D and on arms industry corporate lobby
Peter TkáčNesehnutí, Czech Republic, campaign group against arms trade
Barbara HappeUrgewald, Germany, campaigner banks, arms and fossil fuels
TBA – Stop the War on Migrants, Netherlands, collective campaigning against arms industry and militarisation of European borders
Herman van VeelenPloughshares support, Netherlands, nonviolent actions around nuclear bases in Volkel (NL) and Büchel (DE)
Wendela de VriesStop Wapenhandel, Netherlands, research and campaigns against arms trade and military industry
Arno van der Veen Niet in mijn Naam, Netherlands (SP youth against military interventions).

The programme consists of different blocks. The first part of the evening we will talk about European security as we do not want it. We will discuss the following topics with presentations by Stop Wapenhandel (Amsterdam), Centre Delas (Barcelona) and the European Network Against Arms Trade Brussels project:

Development, climate change and militarisation of security
Migration and border security
Arms industry influence on EU policy

The second block we will discuss resistance, activism and organizing and we will do a concise activist training and discuss the Vredesactie (Belgium), followed by an activists panel where we will answer the question: What is the state of affairs of activism against arms trade and militarism in Europe?

Every block is followed by a Q&A with the audience.

Reservations https://dezwijger.nl/programma/lets-talk-about-war

This program is organised by Stop Wapenhandel, Transnational Institute and Het Aktiefonds


Steun Stop Wapenhandel
