29-30 mei 2010 ENAAT meeting 2010 Amsterdam

May 2010 the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT) met in Amsterdam to exchange research information and debate campaign strategies. The Campagne tegen Wapenhandel was hosting the meeting. The presentations were reported by a live weblog, including movies, weblinks and audio. The presentations can be read here, and the weblog can be viewed back here.

At the ENAAT meeting, there were presentations on EU Military Development and on the Privatization of War. There were also workshops on Arms Trade to Israel and on the WarProfitees campaign of War Resisters International. Ten countries gave an overview of their most recent arms export figures and political developments on this issue.

Overview of presentations

EU militarization and the Treaty of Lisbon
Kees Kalkman – AMOK Anti Militarist Research Collective

Privatisation of War
(based on lecture “Strategic morality The relationship between political aims, military strategy and military technology”)
Karel Koster – Research Department, Socialist Party Netherlands

War Profiteers Campaign
Javier Garate – War Resisters International

Arms Trade to Israel
Workshop and information exchange

Arms trade report by country

The Netherlands
Country report for the ENAAT meeting 2010

Potentially powerful; The European Defence Agency at five years
Frank Slijper – Campagne tegen Wapenhandel

Italy’s rise in arms export raise concern
Campagna Banche Armate
Giorgio Beretta- IRES Toscane

Finnish arms export
Jarmo Pykälä – Committee of 100 in Finland

Spanish arms export 1998-2008
Tica Font & Francesc Benítez – Centre dÉstudis per la Pau J.M. Delàs

United Kingdom
Report from the Campaign Against Arms Trade
Ann Feltham – Campaign Against Arms Trade

Country report from SPAS on the Swedish arms trade
Pamela Baarman – Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (SPAS)

Report on the export of Arms from Switzerland
Presentation on voting campaign for national referendum November 2009
Andreas Weibel – GSoA – Gruppe für eine Schweiz ohne Armee

Arms exports and policies from France
Tony Fortin – Observatoire des armements

Steun Stop Wapenhandel
