Meeting 7 mei Drones and militarization; what’s the real story

The number of US drone strikes is on the rise and Europe has announced to follow suit; military bases are mushrooming across the globe; the largest ever arms deals are being struck and the US recently designated nuclear weapons as part of ´conventional warfare´.

To experts, these are some indications of the unprecedented level of global militarization. The human toll of war is set to reach unseen heights.

What are the reasons for massive global militarization?
What is the relation between governments and the arms industry?
Why is drone warfare being escalated?
Is the public being kept in the dark?

Join us for a lively discussion with:

Daniël Grütters – Political Scientist, Economist, International Law-expert and Researcher.

Wendela de Vries – Researcher and coordinator of the Dutch Campaign Against Arms Trade

Registration is not required, entrance is free.

Location: Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
Address: Kortenaerkade 12, The Hague
Date: Wednesday, May 7th
Time: 19:00 o´clock

More information

Steun Stop Wapenhandel
