Defence industry lobby

Defence industry lobby


Leadership 2015   Star 21   Group of Personalities
Pascal Lamy, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Trade
Erkki Liikanen, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Enterprise and the Information Society
Philippe Busquin, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Research
Loyola de Palacio, Vice-president of the European Commission, responsible for relations with the European Parliament, Transport & Energy
Mario Monti, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Competition
Anna Diamantopoulou, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Employment and Social Affairs
Günter Verheugen, member of the European Commission responsible for Enlargement
(Defence) industry
Corrado Antonini, Chairman Fincantieri
Reinhard Mehl, Member of the Executive Board, Blohm + Voss GmbH
Patrick Boissier, Chairman & CEO Alstom Chantiers de l’Atlantique
Esther Rituerto Martinez, CEO IZAR
Kommer Damen, President & CEO, Damen Shipyards Group
Sjef van Dooremalen, President & CEO, IHC Caland
Jorma Eloranta, President & CEO, Kvaerner Masa Yards
Bernard Meyer, Managing Director, Jos L. Meyer GmbH
Manuel B. Martins Guerreiro, Chariman of the Board of Directors, ENVC
John Skov Hansen, President, Odense Steel Shipyard
John Young, Chairman EMEC – European Marine Equipment Council
International organisations
Reinhard Kuhlmann, General Secretary European Metalworkers’ Federation
Hans-Gert Pöttering, MEP, Chairman of the Group of the European People’s Party
Carlos Westendorp y Cabeza, Member of the European Parliament, chairman Industry, Foreign Trade, Research and Energy Committee
Pascal Lamy, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Trade
Erkki Liikanen, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Enterprise and the Information Society
Philippe Busquin, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Research
Loyola de Palacio, Vice-president of the European Commission, responsible for relations with the European Parliament, Transport & Energy
Chris Patten, Member of the European Commission, responsible for External Relations
EU High Representative
Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Defence industry
Sir Richard Evans, Chairman BAE Systems
Jean-Luc Lagardère, Co-chairman EADS
Manfred Bischoff, Co-chairman EADS
Denis Ranque, Chairman & CEO Thales
Alberto Lina, Former president & CEO Finmeccanica (until April 2002)
Jean-Paul Béchat, Chairman and CEO, SNECMA
Sir Ralph Robins, Chairman Rolls-Royce
Karl von Wogau, Member of the European Parliament
Pascal Lamy, Commissioner (Cabinet member)
Erkki Liikanen, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Enterprise and the Information Society
Philippe Busquin, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Research
Chris Patten, Commissioner
EU High Representative
Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Defence industry
Mike Turner, CEO, BAE Systems
Denis Ranque, Chairman and CEO, THALES
Pier-Francesco Guarguaglini, Chairman and CEO, Finmeccanica
Thomas Diehl, President and CEO, Diehl Stiftung & Co.
Javier Monzón, Chairman and CEO, INDRA
Claus Weyrich, Senior Vice President, Siemens
Jan Dekker, President TNO Management Board (until November 2003)
Erik Löwenadler, President, Ericsson Microwave Systems
Eryl McNally, Member of the European Parliament
Elly Plooij- van Gorsel, Member of the European Parliament
Christian Rovsing, Member of the European Parliament
Karl von Wogau, Member of the European Parliament
Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister of Sweden
Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland
International Organisations
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO
Nazzareno Cardinali, Director, OCCAR
Klaus von Sperber, OCCAR
Ernst Van Hoek, Chairman, WEAG/WEAO
Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General, European Space Agency
Victor Aguado, Director General, EUROCONTROL
François Heisbourg, Director, Fondation Recherche Stratégique
Philippe Kourilsky, President, Institut Pasteur
Ilias Pentazos, Director General, Defence Industry, Research & Technology, Hellenic Ministry of Defence
Maria João Rodrigues, President ISCTE, Lisbon
Marc Vankeirsbilck, Belgian Ministry of Defence

Functions as at the time  of installing the groups
Functies als op het moment van toetreden tot de groep

Steun Stop Wapenhandel
