EU lobby defensie-industrie


Europa en de wapenhandel: van exportcontrole tot industriebeleid
Europese strijdkrachten en wapenindustrie hebben een grote invloed op het Brusselse beleid. Samen met het Comité Ander Europa heeft de Campagne tegen Wapenhandel een brochure geschreven over de problemen die dit oplevert voor de Europees wapenexportcontrole. Voorjaar 2012.

Lobbyen voor oorlog. De rol van de wapenindustrie in de uitbouw van een militair Europa. Rapport gepubliceerd door EU waakhond CEO, september 2011

Lobbying Warfare – the arms industry’s role in building a military Europe. Report published by EU watchdog CEO, September 2011.


engelse vlag High-level group of personalities on defence research 2015

engelse vlag EU defence industry lobbyists / Personen in EU-defensie-industrie lobby

Lobby papers and reports

engelse vlag Report of the Panel of Experts on Space and Security
The Report formulates concrete recommendations which represent significant inputs for the elaboration of the future European Space Programme to be presented to the European Space Council.
(Space and Security Panel of Experts, 1 March 2005)

engelse vlag Research for a Secure Europe
Considering the vast challenges that an enlarged European Union faces, this report has identified an urgent need to adapt the funding and the organization of European research activities to new security and technology realities.
To make this happen, we advocate: a) Combining national, intergovernmental and Community research efforts across the civil-military continuum in the most efficient way; b) Developing a specific European Security Research Programme (ESRP).
(Group of Personalities in the field of Security Research, 2004)

engelse vlag LeaderSHIP 2015: Defining the Future of the European Shipbuilding and Shiprepair Industry
LeaderSHIP 2015: De toekomst van de Europese scheepsbouw en scheepsreparatie
The “LeaderSHIP 2015” initiative is the EU shipbuilding industry’s response to the
competitive challenges it is facing. It is designed to address all issues that are
important for the future competitiveness of this industry sector.
(LeaderSHIP 2015 High Level Advisory Group, 21 November 2003)

engelse vlag LeaderSHIP 2015 Progress Report
(European Commission Working Document, 25 April 2007)
Voortgangsverslag LeaderSHIP 2015
(Werkdocument van de Europese Commissie, 25 april 2007)

engelse vlag Strategic Aerospace Review for the 21st Century (STAR 21)
A flourishing and competitive aerospace industry is essential to ensuring a secure and prosperous Europe. Apart from its contribution to sustainable growth, the aerospace industry is a home to key skills and technologies and an important driver of innovation; it guarantees the means for delivering services from space, and makes an essential contribution to security and defence, thereby helping to safeguard Europe’s freedom of action in its external policies.
(European Advisory Group on Aerospace, July 2002)

engelse vlag A Coherent Framework for Aerospace – a Response to the STAR 21 Report
This Communication sets out to demonstrate how the Commission has already responded to the analyses and prescriptions of STAR 21, to identify the steps that should be taken to help to create the framework needed to secure the long-term competitiveness of aerospace in Europe, and, more generally, to raise awareness of the key issues in other Community Institutions.
(European Commission, 13 October 2003)

engelse vlag European Aeronautics: A Vision for 2020
European Aeronautics: A Vision for 2020 sets the agenda for the European
Aeronautics’ ambition to better serve society’s needs and strengthen its quest for
global leadership. The vision has been developed by very senior personalities widely drawn from the industry and other stakeholders. They recommend strengthening and reorganising research and development efforts to improve competitiveness and provide a safe, efficient and environmentally friendly air transport system.
(Group of Personalities, January 2001)


engelse vlagAerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe
engelse vlagEuropean Corporate Security Association (ECSA)



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