
Cooperation Finnish education establishments and Israeli entities
Security research Framework Programme 7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe (2007-2023)

Israeli entityProjectProgramme
Jyvaskylan YliopistoBen-Gurion University of The NegevCRISCOMSCOREFramework Programme 7
Magen David Adom in IsraelCATOFramework Programme 7
Ness A.T.CATOFramework Programme 7
T.S.G. IT Advanced SystemsCATOFramework Programme 7
Laurea-AmmattikorkeakouluElbit Systems C4I and CyberSAFETY4RAILSHorizon 2020
M T R S 3 Solutions and ServicesSAFETY4RAILSHorizon 2020
Ministry of Public SecurityANDROMEDAHorizon 2020
PelastusopistoBen-Gurion University of The NegevCRISCOMSCOREFramework Programme 7
Magen David Adom in IsraelCRISMAFramework Programme 7
Nice SystemsCRISMAFramework Programme 7
Turun YliopistoICTAF (Tel Aviv University)FESTOSFramework Programme 7

Cooperation Finnish education establishments with major Israeli arms companies (Elbit, IAI, Rafael)
Framework Programme 7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe (2007-2023)

Project nameProgramme
Laurea-AmmattikorkeakouluSAFETY4RAILSHorizon 2020

Cooperation Finnish education establishments with Israeli Ministries of Defence and of Public Security
Framework Programme 7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe (2007-2023)

Project nameProgramme
Ministry of Public Security
Laurea-AmmattikorkeakouluANDROMEDAHorizon 2020

Steun Stop Wapenhandel
