Libyan war arms supplier meets in Amsterdam

Arms producer EADS has supplied arms to all parties in the Lybian war – to Khadaffi, to the British and the French and –through Qatar –also to the Lybian rebels. EADS is Europe’s second biggest arms producer and is also producing nuclear rockets.

On Thursday May 26 EADS shareholders will meet in Amsterdam. The Campagne tegen Wapenhandel will organize a picket line.

Press announcement

Protest at shareholders meeting EADS, arms supplier to the Libyan war
No arms for dictators – no nuclear arms

Amsterdam, May 24– On May 26 the Dutch Campagne tegen Wapenhandel will organise a picket line at the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS) shareholders meeting in Amsterdam. EADS is one of the biggest European arms producers. Due to inadequate arms export regulation the company can export its weapons all over the world, also to dictatorships. Moreover the company is a nuclear weapons producer.
EADS produced weapons are sold to all tree parties in the Libyan war. To Khadaffi, to the countries which are presently bombing Khadaffi , and to the rebels. In 2009 EADS participated in the LAVEX arms fair in Tripoli. The cynicism of arms trade needs no further illustration.
The Campagne tegen Wapenhandel believes that no arms should be delivered to dictatorships and regimes which are violating human rights. We also believe that existing nuclear weapons should be abolished, and that there should certainly be no production of new nuclear weapons. Today the Campagne tegen Wapenhandel will publish a report about the military activities of EADS.
On May 26 from 13.00h to 14.30h the Campagne tegen Wapenhandel will picket line with banners at the EADS shareholders meeting. About 13.15h tree critical shareholders will arrive – by bike taxi – to ask critical questions to the EADS Board at the meeting.
For this action the Campagne tegen Wapenhandel received solidarity messages form Finland, Germany, France and Spain, countries with EADS branches.

Steun Stop Wapenhandel
