Arms fair season
…measures have been taken to provide a safe and secure environment for the more than 200 companies from 23 countries, and more than eighty delegates from more than forty five…
…measures have been taken to provide a safe and secure environment for the more than 200 companies from 23 countries, and more than eighty delegates from more than forty five…
…Forces of the Saddam Hussein’s era were known for in Iraq.” But help is on its way. Nigeria and the European Union are enhancing cooperation to end the insurgency of…
…General of NATO – De Hoop Scheffer told the Dutch Parliament that: “In cases of exports of components for defence equipment the end use is also taken into consideration; when…
…Greece, Portugal and Turkey and even bigger version is sold to Israël. Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems advertised it as a capable boat equipped to undertake missions ranging from operations in…
…the European Union, there are nineteen different types for 1,703 fighters. The message is clear: more cooperation and investment needed. But the given facts are hard to compare with sources….
…position for exports since 1998 (when the EU figures where first published) until now.* India’s Mody government recently decided to end the special status of Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan reacted…
…are regarded as the end-user if the final end-user is not clear. Although it was agreed between the US and Netherlands that re-transfers of “defence articles and services, including technical…
…heeft wapens geleverd aan het Vrije Syrische Leger, Groot-Brittannië levert zware machinegeweren en munitie ter waarde van $2.6 miljoen aan Irak en Duitsland gaat anti-tankraketten, geweren en handgranaten leveren aan…
…aan Israël, ondanks de omstreden zeeblokkade van Gaza, en ondanks het breed gedeelde vermoeden dat Israël het materieel met kernwapens uitrust. Tsjechië, Slowakije en Groot-Brittannië verkochten wapens aan Sri Lanka…
May 2010 the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT) met in Amsterdam to exchange research information and debate campaign strategies. The Campagne tegen Wapenhandel was hosting the meeting. The presentations…