16 november 19.30 Hilversum: The Lab
Yotam Feldman’s film “The Lab” toont hoe de Israelische wapenindustrie floreert doordat wapensna inzet in de Palestijse gebieden het predicaat ‘combat proven’ krijgen. Het laat zien hoe handel en militarisme…
Yotam Feldman’s film “The Lab” toont hoe de Israelische wapenindustrie floreert doordat wapensna inzet in de Palestijse gebieden het predicaat ‘combat proven’ krijgen. Het laat zien hoe handel en militarisme…
July 2016 Stop Wapenhandel organised, together with the Students for Justice in Palestine and DocP, a lecture evening on the military relations between the Netherlands and Israel. Key note speech…
The EU-Israel Nexus: Militarisation, Migration and Apartheid How do EU-Israel ties work? Why do they fund wrong policies? How we can instead build ties of solidarity?Organised by World Without Walls…
Discussie in het kader van de Israeli apartheidsweek 2023 in Groningen. Racisme en kolonialisme en Palestijnse rechten. Militaire relaties van Nederland/EU met Israël. Wat kan de BDS-beweging leren van de…
…duren. We moeten praten, en we hadden daar allang mee moeten beginnen. Wij blijven protesteren tegen deze oorlog. En ook tegen onze regering die er enorme domme antwoorden op geeft….
Cooperation Danish education establishments and Israeli entities Security research Framework Programme 7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe (2007-2023) Israeli entity Project Programme Aarhus Universitet Hebrew University of Jerusalem PRIME Framework…
Cooperation Finnish education establishments and Israeli entities Security research Framework Programme 7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe (2007-2023) Israeli entity Project Programme Jyvaskylan Yliopisto Ben-Gurion University of The Negev CRISCOMSCORE…
Cooperation Portuguese education establishments and Israeli entities Security research Framework Programme 7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe (2007-2023) Israeli entity Project Programme Universidade de Coimbra International Security and Counter-terrorism Academy…
Cooperation Turkish education establishments and Israeli entities Security research Framework Programme 7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe (2007-2023) Israeli entity Project Programme Middle East Technical University Agricultural Research Organisation of…
How will wars in Israel/Gaza and Ukraine continue to shape European arms trade in 2025? How are states responding to an incoming Trump presidency? As many European countries have ramped…