…te verkrijgen bij Nederlandse bedrijven: vier onderzeeboten, extra F35-gevechtsvliegtuigen, lucht- en raketverdediging tegen ballistische raketten en kruisvluchtwapens, en autonome en onbemensde wapens. Militaire missies en “grensbewaking in Afrika” moeten volgens…

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Sink UDT!

…Joep van den Nieuwenhuizen builder is closed down. The chances for Dutch involvement in building the new submarine might have changed when in September the Australians rammed the prospects for…

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War because of oil

…power. Below the table 10 observations she made. 1 The link between oil wealth and military expenditures and arms acquisitions has been considered true for so long that it has…

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Cooperation Bulgarian education establishments and Israeli entities Security research Framework Programme 7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe (2007-2023) Israeli entity Project Programme Institute of Information and Communication Technologies Magen David…

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Steun Stop Wapenhandel
