Eigen artikelen/Own articles

Eigen artikelen/Own articles

Potentially powerful; The European Defence Agency at five years May 2009
engelse vlag European space policy is increasingly defined by military priorities. The report From Venus to Mars: the European Union´s steps towards the militarisation of space is published on the occasion of the EU summit on the European Space Agency (ESA). November 2008
engelse vlagEU NGO submission to COARM on harmonisation among EU Member States on end-use and post-export controls, May 2008
Defensie op de vrije markt? Gepubliceerd in Vredesmagazine, voorjaar 2008

Policy briefing met betrekking tot de “Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Simplifying Terms and Conditions of Transfers of Defence-related Products within the Community”  10/02/08.

engelse vlagResponse to the ETI Green Paper, Campagne tegen Wapenhandel 23/08/06
engelse vlagComments on the Consultation Paper on the Intra-Community Circulation of Products for the Defence of Member States
 European Network Against Arms Trade. march 2006

BUKO “Kampagne ‘Stoppt den Rüstungsexport” (Germany)
Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK)
Campagne Tegen Wapenhandel
Centre d’Estudis per la Pau J.M.Delas – Justícia i Pau (Spain)
Forum voor Vredesaktie (Belgium)
Peace Union of Finland,
Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society

engelse vlagThe arms industry and the EU Constitution, ENAAT Research Group, january 2006, Martin Broek & Wendela de Vries PDF
engelse vlagThe Emerging EU Military-Industrial Complex; Arms Industry Lobbying in Brussels
Campagne tegen Wapenhandel,  TNI Briefing Series, May 2005
For a review of this breifing paper see Backroom policy-making CAAT News Oct/Nov 2005
Grondwet Nee rapport 3: Wapenlobby in Brussel, Mei 2005
Grondwet Nee rapport 2: Wapenindustrie aast op miljarden militair onderzoeksgeld; Europees defensieagentschap stevig in Europese Grondwet verankerd. Mei 2005
Grondwet Nee rapport 1: Europese Grondwet; fundament voor de wapenindustrie, Mei 2005
Europees Wapen Agentschap in de Grondwet Mei 2005
7 Argumenten TEGEN de Grondwet Mei 2005
engelse vlagThe European Union, the arms industry and the New War, NSF, 28/11/04
Agressief militair beleid vastgelegd in EU Grondwet November 2004
engelse vlagThe Constitution and the defence Industry October 8, 2004
Europese vlag Europa overzicht

Steun Stop Wapenhandel
